El Sumak Kawsay y la actividad turística en Silvania, Cundinamarca
Trabajo de grado - Pregrado
Universidad Colegio Mayor de Cundinamarca
La presente investigación fue realizada en el municipio de Silvania, Cundinamarca, aborda
el concepto del Sumak Kawsay como el Buen Vivir, vivir en plenitud, con armonía en lo
social, en las comunidades y con la naturaleza y es tomado como punto de partida, para
determinar qué elementos de este saber ancestral, pueden contribuir en la construcción y
desarrollo del turismo cultural en este territorio, a partir del análisis y la comprensión de su
identidad cultural, teniendo en cuenta su patrimonio inmaterial, con uno de sus principales
representantes “El Sancocho Silvanense” y su patrimonio material, identificando sus
atractivos turísticos. Finalmente, se propone la implementación de algunas estrategias, que
permitan la implementación del turismo cultural a partir del Sumak Kawsay. This research was conducted in the municipalism of Silvania Cundinamarca, it addresses the
concept of Sumak Kawsay as the Good Living, living in fullness, with harmony in the social,
in the communities and with nature and is taken as a starting point to determine which
elements of this ancestral knowledge can contribute to the construction and development of
cultural tourism in this territory, from the analysis and understanding of its cultural identity,
taking into account its intangible heritage, with one of its main representatives “The
Sancocho Silvanense", It is taken as a starting point to determine which elements of this
ancestral knowledge can contribute to the construction and development of cultural tourism
in this territory, based on the analysis and understanding of its cultural identity, taking into
account its intangible heritage, with one of its main representatives "the Sancocho
Silvanense" and its material heritage, identifying its tourist attractions. Finally, it is proposed
the implementation of some strategies that allow the implementation of cultural tourism
based on Sumak Kawsay.
- ACE. Turismo [277]
18.Silvania-Acevedo y Amador (1).pdf
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Título: 18.Silvania-Acevedo y Amador (1).pdf
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Título: formato de idenficacion.pdf
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