Herramienta auxiliar de carga para materiales de la construcción
Lagos Bayona, Francisco Javier | 2022-12
In order to solve the need that light-duty builders have today in terms of transferring
materials with large dimensions, which at the time of transferring but a single person,
the task become tedious an complex, and even more so when there are several
units to be transferred, the proposed tool is made up or two lateral crossbars, two 22-
gauge sheets which will adjust the materials regardless of the amount is intended to
be transferred, these sheets will be supported an transferred thanks to two
unidirectional anti.puncture tires. Which support around 150 kg per load regardless
of the amount of transfer, the implementation of this tool will help minimize efforts
since all the weight of the materials will be supported by the tool and the risk of poor
posture or overweight load performed by the operator will be drastically reduced at
the same time as the transfer time or thus benefiting both the operator and the
progress of the work
Within the economic scope of the elaboration of this tool, there is a standard budget
which can vary with respect to the inflation of the dollar and the scarcity of the raw
material that is required for the elaboration of said element, with the course of the
investigation. All the variables that can influence the creation of the company are
identified, and sustain it at the it at the end of the first year, making a projection of
units that must be sold, monthly, semi-annually and annually, thus relating the legal
expenses of each one. Of the workers who will be part of the company and regarding
the administrative and operational part.
During the development on the investigation and as progress was made on it, the
even more notorious absence of the lack of the indicated and qualified tools for the
activities related to the transfer of material was demonstrated, the elements existing
today and although the advance technology advances greatly, these are still
traditional and inefficient in team of different materials such as Drywall sheets, large-
area glass, fiber mineral tiles, super board and zing tildes the transfer activities of
these materials by custom and tradition it has been carried out jointly by two or more
people and that is very important point that as a research group it is contemplated to
make the tool that can reduce and minimize transfer time and in teams of the human
factor in relation to the physical effort that must be made to carry out these activities
reduce said forces improve the body health operary
The information embodied within this research has been collectively, with the
members of this project where each one from their experience contributes
significantly to each of the items treated making relevance in terms of the execution
costs of both the product and the creation of a company at the national level governed
by the regulations that guide each of the processes necessary to carry out the
culmination of the auxiliary loading tool